One of the signs that tells me that I am no longer, you know.. young, is that whenever I listen to the radio, I don't know the song playing half of the time. Gone are the days when a song plays and the world stops for a few minutes because damn, that's song is my jam!
This morning I tried to think about the bands I used to love. Above photo is New Found Glory. I love their covers of love songs turned to punk. Their track My Friends Over You is one of my clique's songs, other than Red Hot Chili Pepper's Zephyr Song and Parokya's Saan Man Patungo.
Blink 182 made the funniest music videos of our time. Small Things is now a classic. Just saying the world classic makes me feel old. However, my most favorite Blink 182 Song is Adam's Song. It's sad. It gives me the feels.
What band is in the above photo? I doubt that you know. Bowling for Soup! Weird band name eh? They are less popular in the Philippines, I guess. They're my secret band that I didn't talk about much, because I thought they're too cute to sahare. Haha!
I will always remember Finch for their Letters to You. It reeks of desperation of young love, and the intensity of the feeling of missing someone. The guitars in the intro is so unique to the band. And the screams and growls make it the perfect I-miss-you song.

And last but not the least, Linkin Park was the awesomest of them all. The mix of rock and rap, and the turntable effects was so new at that time, and the good looks of the young band members was a lethal combo. They dominated the airwaves hit after hit.
Perhaps my choice of music back then was one of the reasons I cannot relate to my peers. While they were collecting posters of Meteor Garden, I kept a stack of photos of rock stars with their mysterious looks, sexy guitars like this relic telecaster, and that aura of primal appeal.
However, whenever I listen to their songs these days, I don't feel the way I used to before. Now I want to listen to more mellow tones. Yes, I concede, I know, I know, I am getting old.
They used to be the coolest. I wonder who are their counterpart among the new bands. Can anyone actually be cooler than blink?