I feel like the luckiest girl this New Year for I had a chance to be with my uber awesome friends as the year closed to an end and the New Year burst into the scene.
December 31, 2011.
Rhatsuos Capade in MSU.

The Power Team of the CNSM-Integrated Quizzers Club—Ahmad Mocsir Domado, Saidameer Lucman Said, and yours truly—got together. I never have mentioned them in my blog before so they somehow need a decent introduction. Here we go.
When I fought my biggest battles in the quizzers’ world, these two were my teammates. They are quiz prodigies, no surprise that we won champ in all of the quiz shows we competed in, with the exception of SLAAP Intercollegiate Quiz where we brought home the second place trophy. However, I claim that we were the champ in that quiz if the panelist did not reject our answer Divine Comedy and accepted our competitors’ answer THE Divine Comedy. I mean, come on, the exact title of that great work of literature which is in Italian is Divina Comedia, not La Divina Comedia, thus the exact English translation is Divine Comedy as stated in the encyclopedia I have on my bookshelf. Pardon me, I just can’t forget that one loss we had.

I have known Amad and Ced since we were kids, like since elementary. My earliest memory of Amad is that we were the school’s representatives to a spelling bee contest when we were in grade three. And all throughout our elementary years, we were sort of in a competition with each other in getting higher grades. He’s a brain to be reckoned with. Ced on the other hand is the late bloomer. Never on the top of the class, he surprised us all when suddenly he propelled himself up up there during high school. However, we were in different schools then. I was in DCFI, they were in MSU-ISED-SHS. We got together again in college for we all were in the biology department.
Technically, I wasn’t exactly friends, as in friends in the most biblical sense of the word, with them. Things took a hundred and eighty turn when we became teammates in IQC. We were bonded by our frequent bouts and mock quizzes, actual quiz shows, and victory lunches/dinners. I saw them in different light while we were in the battle field. I couldn’t help but admire them realizing how brilliant Amad and Ced really are, how courageous, understanding, and supportive. Amad was always abreast with pop culture, Ced with current events. Amad was the stellar debater, Ced the robust student leader. We won every single quiz show that whenever we register for the next one, other quizzers would half-jokingly suggest that we don’t join at all because they would not have any chance to win at all if we join too.
Now, my two intelligent friends have gone far. After graduating with flying colors and remembered as the best Student Council president of CNSM, Ced is now a med student in MSU-COM and is at the top of his class. Amad graduated with flying colors too, awarded as one of the Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines, and now studies medicine too in UERMMC. How lucky really I am to be good friends with these two smart, sexy and successful young men. I mean, who else can spend an afternoon with them being showered by good words and inspirational messages? Deym! I totally got the message clearly; they do not want me hibernating. They want to see me up there too. My confidence is so revved up when Ced told me that he believes I can do just about anything I want while Amad nodded in affirmation.

What a perfect way to spend the last day of the year, to be with people who are not only my friends but also personalities I admire and respect so much. Lucky Me. Ced, Amad, thanks. Sa uulitin.
January 1, 2012.
Kollete’s Diner in Bangon.

I spent the first day of the year with my best girlfriend Johaira Macasundig—kabarkada for a decade. I’m just so happy to be with her on that day, symbolic of a year of deepening friendship. Earlier that day, I woke up very early to jog with my Mamang and do some yoga for the core. And then invited Jo to accompany me find vials for my thesis. Funny thing that happened that day is that we wanted to dine in Starhouse Café, but it was closed. We hopped to Alkawthar but it was closed too, along with all other diners along the Gomisa Ave. That’s why we ended up in Kolette’s Diner.
It was a lovely day. When you are with someone so dear to you, nothing else bothers you, not even the fact that every resto you went to was closed. Just hanging out with Jo, being so loose and laid-back, made me euphoric that I wanted to thank Allah for giving me everything. Lucky me.
January 2, 2012.

Just before the classes resumed, I had a chance to be with my bestie Rashid Pandi in my favoritest place in town—Alkawthar—where I get my favoritest food—shawarma. Former consultant in Al-Khwarizmi International College, Rashid is now pursuing law in University of San Carlos, so I don’t get the opportunity to hang out with him and enjoy shawarma anytime I want like how we used to when he was still based in town. As usual, my energy is through the roof as we chattered about so many things we want to talk about while he was away. I get all so giddy like a little girl inside a candy store. My best friend is like that—he gets one excited about everything. When he starts his pep talk, it’s like as if I swallowed Darna’s stone and in a snap, I can accomplish anything. I feel that powerful. Suddenly I transform into an Upper East Sider, and witty remarks, wittier than Blair Wardorf’s, spill out of my mouth. I find it funny sometimes. My best friend always and never fails to bring the best out of me. Again, lucky me.
As I am punching the last few words of this post, I can’t help but get all excited for what’s in store for this year. What makes it more exciting is the knowledge that I have the wonderfullest friends who I can count on whenever I am feeling less perky. The truth is they say things to me that are too sweet and too good I can’t post them here. (lol) I doubt that I even deserve those words. Come on guys, you are overrating me! But thank you anyway, you know I need those. Here’s to a year of triumphs for all of us!
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