It's 8 in the morning now. It's still a bit cold. I forgot to close my window last night. I left the shutters a little ajar. I can hear my brothers play basketball on the court right outside my window. The TV is tuned to Cinema One, I believe, for I can hear that it's showing a classic Rene Requiestas movie.

What exactly do I have in mind? ---GOOD MORNING. Not a greeting. But description of the morning. A good one. I say such because after nights of sleeplessness, I don't expect to wake up in such a good state. Even though last night's sleep can't compensate for the deficit over the past weeks, surprisingly, unlike many mornings ago, this time I don't want to go back to my dreamy slumber. In fact, I am itching to roll out bed for I know there's a bag of warm pan de sal waiting for me at the table. For I know how delectable cheese is as it melts on the warm bread. For coffee will wake much more than alertness in me. But not yet. Not until I shared the joy of a good morning. :)

This is one of those simple yet exquisite moments when I feel so alive. The sun is bursting in the east, rushing to melt away last night's gloom, scaring the fears of yesterday, bringing hope for today. That maybe today will be a better day. That maybe a surprise is lurking somewhere, waiting to lurch at me any moment from now. That maybe a great story is waiting to unfold.

Ayeesha, get up now. Devour as much as you can. You'll need energy as you consume the hours of the day. Wear your best dress underneath your rusty knight's armor. Wear proudly the family's coat of arms. Shout our battle cry. Today we'll be in the offensive position. Today maybe our day to win one of our many battles. Success sits helplessly on the battlefield. March on!


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